An Industry-University Cooperative Research Center
Penn State CHOT follows a model of an industry-academic partnership that has benefited industry-focused research across more than 50 disciplines. CHOT creates a safe, mutually beneficial, cooperative environment where innovative, leading healthcare industry members can come together in collaboration to:
CHOT Mission
The mission of Center for Health Organization Transformation (CHOT) is to advance the knowledge and practice of transformational strategies in evidence-based management and clinical practice. CHOT conducts cooperative research among universities, health systems, and other health-related industries. The Center relies on multi-disciplinary approaches to advance and link system design and organizational technologies in innovation research. The three main areas in which CHOT conducts research are:
CHOT Research
Penn State CHOT is an Industry–University Cooperative Research Center focused on innovations in healthcare delivery. CHOT researchers work alongside the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to conduct research that supports the implementation of evidence-based transformational strategies within the healthcare sector. Our research model relies on the knowledge and experience of healthcare leaders to guide academic research. This cooperative model ensures that the research is both meaningful and applicable to the healthcare industry and provides data-driven decision support.
Federal Grants and Awards to CHOT Faculty
1. 2023~2028, NIH R01, Simulation Optimization of Cardiac Surgical Planning, Dr. Hui Yang, Dr. Christopher DeFlitch, Dr. Sammi Soraya.
2. 2019~2024, NSF MCB-1856132, Collaborative Research: Data-driven integration of biological with in-silico experiments to determine mechanistic effects of N-glycosylation on cellular electromechanical functions, Dr. Hui Yang, Dr. Eric Bennett and Dr. Andrew Ednie
3. 2023~2026, NSF IIS-2302834, Collaborative Research: An Extended Reality Learning Factory, Dr. Hui Yang, Dr. Karen Murphy, Dr. Faisal Aqlan, Dr. Jason Saleem, Dr. DeCaro Marci
4. 2020~2022, NSF IIP-2026875, RAPID: Developing Advanced Modeling and Analysis Tools to track Human Movement Patterns and Coronavirus / Infectious Disease Spread Dynamics in Geographical Networks, Dr. Hui Yang, Dr. Christopher DeFlitch, Dr. Yunfeng Shi, Dr. Dennis Scanlon
5. 2016~2023, NSF IIP-1624727, IUCRC Center for Health Organization Transformation, Dr. Hui Yang, Dr. Christopher DeFlitch, Dr. Conrad Tucker, Dr. Nilam Ram, Dr. Harleah Buck
6. 2016~2019, NSF CMMI-1646660, EAGER: Sensing, Modeling and Optimization of Postoperative Heart Health Management, Dr. Hui Yang, Dr. Fabio Leonelli
7. 2015~2021, NSF CMMI-1617148, CAREER: Sensor-based Modeling and Control of Nonlinear Dynamics in Complex Systems for Quality Improvements in Manufacturing and Healthcare, Dr. Hui Yang
8. 2023-2027, National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: D-ISN: Developing Early Warning Systems for Emerging Epidemics of Illicit Substances: A Data-Driven Modeling Approach, Dr. Qiushi Chen, Dr. Paul Griffin
9. 2022-2024, National Institute of Mental Health, Improving Universal Screening and Modeling the Effects on Referral and Diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dr. Qiushi Chen